Pursuing Purpose


Pursuing Purpose with Chrissy HelmerIs anyone else tired of hearing about "destiny" and "purpose" or just ready to see it come to pass already? Are you curious how so many around you have so much clarity or progress while you wonder what exactly you're doing with your life??First of all.. STOP COMPARING & Stop Stressing!! You need to breathe and be. Living in the now is powerful and peaceful as you can't change the past or live in the future.Second of all.. lets make it clear right here and now. {like its that simple right?} the short of it is...

We were created to be loved and love. click to tweet

If at the end of the day you have great relationships & you are surrounded by love then YOU WIN! People and love are enough!Though we were also created for greatness, influence and we each have our very own signature sound that reaches a signature crowd. This is why and how there is always more than enough! I know there are many saturated markets and your thinking... "eh the fill in the blank industry is saturated" you're wrong! If you're truly called to this industry there will be a clientele for you! Consider this mentality, someone is a great singer-songwriter but their mindset is " all the hit songs have been written, there is never going to be another top hit, all the greatest artist have saturated the market already, darn" That's crazy right? Because we would have no music industry! There are always emerging artists, influencers, innovators, leaders, and entrepreneurs... THANK GOD!Though it is wisdom to pursue innovation and to pioneer new ideas and arenas. We should seek to find the gaps and where there is a void in an area and if that aligns with our knowledge and passions we have just found a great opportunity.As we pursue purpose and be present let's not complicate things or see them as so far off and mystical. Let's get practical, intentional and passionate about our next steps, our vision, and purpose. When we unlock what we are called to do it makes our path and our yes and no so very clear as we want to stay in alignment with our assignment. 

Here are some basic questions to ask yourself that can help clarify your passions/purpose:
  1. If I close my eyes and picture a person or people group I am helping? What do I see? (Ie youth, elderly, homeless, etc.)
  2. What makes me come fully alive?
  3. What would I do for free any day of the week?
  4. What do people naturally seek me out for?
  5. What triggers me when I read about it, see it or hear it? What keeps me up at night?
  6. In the last 6 months when have I felt most alive?
  7. What did I dream of becoming when I was a child?
  8. What are my natural gifts and talents?

If you would love to continue in the above process of questions and narrow down a passion statement & some direction please email me for a passion process consultation via phone/skype or in person. Some great tools  you can use to gain some insight into your personality and strengths can be found here:Strength finderDISCEnneagram These tools do not hold all the answers and yet we might know all the above but still find ourself stuck or scared {listen to episode 5 for more on this}  Sometimes we have to get gut honest and see what exactly is holding us back from pursuing purpose, greatness & seeing our dreams come to pass.This very thing is something I'm passionate about and I want you to know I'm in your corner saying YOU GOT THIS!Expect Miracles,Chrissy  
