We get to


WE GET TO CONTROLWe get to..If only we would change "have to" into "get to" about so many things in life...oh the transformation we would see. The power of words and the worlds they create in and around us will be on the podcast and blog soon enough.Today I want to share simply on what we GET to control.

You are in charge of...

YOU.You are in charge of your:

  • Thoughts
  • Feelings
  • Words & attitudes
  • Actions & Decisions

There are many things out of our control moment to moment, environmental & so on but believe it or not there is so much we have a role to play in. We need to take more ownership and blame less.

 Powerful people own it, weak people blame it. Click to tweet

It all starts with our thoughts, which lead to our feelings, that leads to our choices and the words that come out of our mouths. I know it can be hard to not let that train of self-control derail but it's essential to our peace, rest & ultimately success.

"Your destiny is not a mystery, its a result of daily decisions and defining decisions"- Mark Batterson

I would highly suggest digging a little deeper into this topic of thought with 3 of my favorite books {ok let's be real I have like 79 favorite books}

  1. Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick
  2. Who Switched Off My Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf.
  3. Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk

Today I encourage you to take 100% ownership and responsibility for your thoughts, words, feelings and actions!Speak this out loud, save it to your phone or print it out! (make good graphic)Do you have 2 people in mind that would be inspired and encouraged by this message? Please share it with them so they can upgrade their thinking, speaking, and world! For more on Control and the power of our words/thoughts check out episodes 7 below and make sure to check out episode 4 on  iTunes [audio mp3="http://www.chrissyhelmer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Episode-7-Watch-what-you-think.mp3"][/audio]Expect Miracles,Chrissy 
