10 Ways to Ensure 5AM Club Success


As many of you may know, because I talk about it ALL OF THE TIME, The 5AM Club was life-changing for me.  I loved the book, and I soak in pretty anything that Robin Sharma, the author, puts out into the world.Anytime I mention the 5AM Club, I usually get questions about what it is, how it works, and how it can fit into your life.  Here’s the thing, it will never feel like the perfect time to start waking up at 5AM.  I get it.  So I’m here to give you my top 10 tips to help you jumpstart this awesome 5AM Club journey.  Did you catch the podcast I did on this a couple of weeks ago?  You can listen to it here if that’s easier for you!  Otherwise, I’ve summarized my 10 tips below:


Tip #1:  START NOW

Yes!  Start NOW before winter sets in and it gets super cold and super dark!  Like I said, it will never feel like the perfect time to get started, but you can help yourself by getting started before it feels impossible to get our of those super comfy blankets in the morning!


I know this sounds cliche, but don’t give up!  When starting the 5AM Club, the challenge is to do 66 days in a row.  DO THEM….ALL OF THEM.  Stick it out.  No “if’s,” “and,” or “buts!”


How you spend your evenings is actually going to determine the success of your mornings.  It’s not hard to get up early…it’s hard to go to bed early! Night-time routines are just as sacred as your morning routines.  Try practicing gratitude in the evenings to close out your day, pick out your outfit, plan out the day, and shut off your phone and your tv.Speaking of bedtimes, if going to sleep earlier feels difficult for you, start by weaning yourself back…if you typically go to sleep at midnight, scale it back to 11:30 one week, 11:00 the next, and work your way to 10:00pm.  Remember, shutting off your phones and tvs will help!

Tip #4:  TAKE A NAP


When you first get started, you may need to take a nap during the day…and THAT’S OK!  If you need to take naps or go to bed even earlier to get through these 66 days, do it.  Make space for it.  Remember, you are aligning your Circadian Rhythm during these 66 days, and your body will thank you for it in the end.

Tip #5:  THE BOOK

Yes, it’s true; you will be incredibly motivated if you read The 5AM Club book by Robin Sharma.  BUT, you don’t have to read it to get started!  If just reading this email gets you excited to start this journey, do it!  Start implementing these tips to get to bed earlier and wake up earlier and pick up the details later.


Find ways to stay accountable.  Ask a friend to join you so that you can help each other.  Tell your family members about your plans…saying it out loud will help you stay committed!  And remember, it will be hard at first. So ask for grace from your spouse, your kids, and your friends.  Let them know what you are doing so that they don’t wonder why you are extra tired or have a bad day here and there!


When you learn more about that 5AM Club, you will be learning about the 20/20/20 method to jumpstart your mornings.  Part of this is dedicating 20 minutes to journal, meditate, to work through the emotional things.  Let me tell you, when navigating through this method, you will be tapping into your HIGHEST SELF.  That being said, junk will come up to the surface!  It’s possible that you need to create space to speak to a mentor or therapist during this time…so be ready for it.



To piggyback on tip #7, prepare your HEART.  Ask yourself how else you can support your heart during these 66 days.  Is it spending more time in prayer?  Is it reading books or listening to more podcasts?  Is it going to church?  Is it joining a small group?  Is it limiting your social media time?   Think through this ahead of time and be ready to make some lifestyle shifts during this time.Not only is emotional preparation necessary, but we also need to physically prepare ourselves!  Maybe you need to start sleeping in your workout clothes in order to get that quick morning movement in.  Maybe you need to keep your phone in another room at night.  Maybe setting out your journal in a space outside of your bedroom is important so that you actually get out of bed to start your routine.  You know yourself better than anyone…take the time to prepare your surroundings to set yourself up for success.


Create smaller goals for yourself and reward yourself when you hit them!  Maybe you need a small reward when you finish the first 7 days.   Maybe you need a halfway point reward.  And definitely reward yourself when you finished your 66 days!  Get a massage or facial, take yourself out for a cup of coffee and a good book, or go on a nice date night.  The point is, stay motivated and stay committed!

Tip #10:  DIG DEEP

This endeavor can be transformational, so don’t be surface level with it!  Dig deep and maximize on this transformation.  Don’t be afraid to go there because it will absolutely change your life.  Starting this journey is the perfect time to make those other changes in your life that you have been wanting to.  Start eating healthier, get a personal trainer during this time, or start taking those supplements.  All of these things will open yourself up to this awesome new self.It’s all going to be so worth it…I promise. And I am totally in your corner!You guys, what better time is there to get started with the 5AM Club?  WE ARE CLOSING OUT A DECADE.  Let me say that again….a DECADE!  There is no better time. Tomorrow is not promised, and we need you.  We need you in your greatness, we need you to be whole, we need you to be motivated, and we need you at your highest and best self!Let’s do this, friends!XOXO,Chrissy