Defeating Discouragement



 Discouragement... It comes to all of us. Sometimes as a whisper, sometimes its a roar. Did you know you can rise above that voice & flip the switch? This week on the podcast I shared some simple ways I combat discouragement:

  1. I fight back by encouraging others. I release what I need. I choose 3 people I can bless in someway by email, text etc. I take the focus off my circumstances & struggles and focus on how I can uplift others.

  2. I turn the thought inside out... For example If I'm thinking, "Man this isn't working out", then I'll switch that to "This is going to work out great." (click to tweet)

  3. I go back to my why, my peace, and my power over my thoughts, feelings, perspective and words.

  4. I make sure to have a narrow filter on music, podcast, influences etc.

I have been known to put these on repeat on one of "those" days:

Friends we all have bad days, moments, and discouragement hits, but we don't have to let it settle in. I speak hope and peace over  your hearts, homes & every situation today!

I would love to hear how you kick discouragement in the face, share below!

Listen to Defeat Discouragement here:[audio mp3=""][/audio]

Lifestyle, Mindset, podcasts