What a Year It's Been!


2018—what. a. year. As I look back on this chapter, I can’t help but feel deeply grateful, expectant and blessed!Through the Next Level Living Podcast, I’ve had the opportunity to connect with so many new people, and for that, I’m thankful. Reading through all of the messages and reviews is like putting gas in the tank, it truly keeps me going.Take a look at a couple of the most recent reviews:When I read this, I just had to pause and feel all the things in that moment.From broken headphones, struggles within my business team, heartache, the stress of raising teenagers, and trials of ignoring haters while fighting for the best version of myself, my family, and my business, it’s safe to say there were days when the podcast felt small and insignificant....But I realized, despite my experiences, I had to keep pushing forward.Thank God for tools like self-compassion and affirmation, as well as the support of a great community to help you snap back to reality real quick!I chose to press on regardless of technology malfunctions, a barking dog, mounds of laundry, a lost voice, and any other crazy thing that life threw my way because we must live what we preach!Thank you SO much for being part of the Next Level Movement. I commend you for taking a stand to level-up your life and health. And I can’t wait to see what kind of impact we can make together in the coming year.To say I am excited for what’s to come in 2019 is an understatement. I have two BIG things in the works….and when I say big, I mean ‘biggest things I have ever done’ status! Say what?! Stay tuned.As for now, I am committing to a December that is: sacred, slow, gracious and present. Let’s choose productive over busy. Amen?

  • In 2018 there were 171 episodes of the Next Level Living Podcast released and 39 Youtube videos.

  • This year, we’ve also hosted several successful events, including our annual health summit and women’s leadership workshops.

  • I was honored to speak at schools, churches, and corporations about leadership, health, positivity, growth, and success. If you’re looking for a speaker at your next event, I’d love to attend and elevate your team! Email me.


But enough about me, what about you? I want to know about the kind of content you want to see! Would you like me to dive deeper into certain podcast episodes, videos, blogs, or vlogs? Would you be interested in 1:1 coaching, in-person events, or maybe a women's inner circle program? Let a girl know!The best way to keep up with events, wellness and leadership tips, thoughts of the day, mantras, and motivation is through my Instagram! Oh, and I add a lot of my crazy, yet oh-so-beautiful life updates there as well. Click here to connect!

  • Women's One Day Workshop: January 25th 9am-4pm

  • Eco Chics 8th Bday & New Location Reveal: April 2019

  • Book Launch: Spring 2019

  • Flourish Health Summit: May 18th 2019, 8am-3pm @ TFH Vacaville

  • Next Level Inner Circle: June - Nov.

While remaining grateful for yesterday, I am looking forward to all that is to come. So much love, blessings, and abundance to you all!

Leadership, Lifestyle, Mindset, podcasts