Achieve Deeper Sleep & Reduced Stress Today!

Deeper Sleep & Reduced StressLet's face it most people are struggling with sleep and stress these days and it's just not ok! There are some simple changes you can make that might be all you need. For others, it might require a little more effort to get your stress down and help you to be sleeping deeper.


Maybe some of the stress is out of your control due to a teething baby, a potty training toddler, a controlling boss at work, an endless barking dog next door, some of these things we can't control but we can direct our thoughts, breath, and attitudes in the midst of them.


Most of our feelings can be redirected with positive affirmations, healthy eating, and better choices. Some are not so simple. I have worked with countless friends and customers through the years on these 2 topics and for some, they had to go thru the entire checklist, others just 2 things did the trick. Everyone's body, hormones, life circumstances, and minds are in different places. If you're struggling with stress or getting a great nights sleep check out this list and start with 1-2 you have yet to try and go from there. Don't feel like you need to take on the whole list right now but keep it as a basic guide to check in on and apply day by day. You can also use it at times stress is higher and your wondering whats out of balance. If you would like a consultation regarding sleep or stress you can request that here.

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For what its worth know that you deserve REST, peace, and joy! You are valuable, important and amazing! Love your self enough to give your body, mind, and soul what it needs to thrive. Below are my five tips to lower stress and get a better night sleep along with my fave products that WORK.


  1.  Control what you consume.. mentally, spiritually & emotionally. This also goes for music, movies, new and those in your life.

  2.  Take care of yourself

  3.  Make margin in your life & get organized

  4.  Use brainwaves binaural app

  5.  Take magnesium & CBD oil

To hear more make sure to listen to two of my most downloaded podcasts, Best Sleep Ever and Dealing with Stress.